John’s Homilies on Seasons Lent & Easter

4500 CFA

John’s Homilies on Seasons Lent & Easter: Illustrated with stories and verses of Anecdotes. “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

Author: John Rose

Format: Soft Cover

Language: English

Category: Tag:


John’s Homilies on Seasons Lent & Easter: “The knight of faith” said Kierkegaard, “is able to express sublime in the pedestrian absolutely.” The homilies in this volume are the humble effort of the author to express the Sublime in pedestrian language. To make the homilies interesting, illustrate and prosaic the author has commenced every homily with appropriate story. Or an anecdote and has included a lot of quotation from the Fathers of the Church. The themes for the homilies has been gleaned from the Gospel readings and developed in two or three points.

John’s Homilies on Seasons Lent & Easter: These homilies could either be preached into any one of the points could be developed with additional insight and illustrations. The subjects contained in this volume have been an unfailing source of joy and comfort, of instruction and guidance of strength and healing to the author. The author fervently prays that this book may be used by the Almighty to lead, all those who peruse it, towards Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


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